
At Mohs Plus℠ we offer a full range of services to help you get your Lab optimized and running smoothly. You can trust the experience and training of Mohs Plus.

Mohs Tech Training

Mohs Plus provides expert, hands-on training for enhancing the skill sets of all Mohs lab techs. Our goal is to help Mohs techs master their trade, and become efficient and dependable assets. We customize our training to fit the needs of each individual.

Mohs Tech Coverage and Support

If in the event your tech falls ill, goes on maternity leave or resigns, we offer a multitude of options to support you during this transition. Long-term, short-term and emergency coverage are available!

Mohs Lab Setup

If you are interested in starting a Mohs Lab, we will provide a free over-the phone consultation to help get you started. We can support you on this journey by assisting you with laboratory design, equipment placement, manual and log creation, CLIA application process and review. We are committed to ensuring this process gives you a head start on your path to providing Mohs surgery to you patients.  


We offer free alignment and accurate positioning of your instruments to best support your Mohs techs.

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